Galetta Community Association Needs More Help!


We enjoy hosting events in Galetta throughout the year, but as other Community Associations are also experiencing, more volunteers are required.  The events are great fundraisers allowing us to make upgrades at our facility, and are always fun and entertaining for the entire family.


We ask that you please complete the following and drop it off at the Galetta Hall.  There is a mailbox by our information board located outside the Hall.  Our April 1st decision to continue to host the mentioned events will be made by reflecting on the response from this questionnaire.  If you want the events to continue now is the time to tell us and help us!!!


Name:  ________________________________________________________________________________

Address:  ________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone:  _______________________ E-mail:  _______________________________________


Please Circle:

I am interested in volunteering for the Galetta Community Association.               Yes/ No

I am interested in a membership for the Galetta Community Association.            Yes/No

I would like to assist at the rink as a monitor.                                                             Yes/No

I attended the Beef Barbeque in 2008.                                                                            Yes/No

I would like the Beef Barbeque to continue in 2009.                                                   Yes/No

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________


I am interested in volunteering at the Beef Barbeque in 2009 if it proceeds.        Yes/No

I attended the 2008 Rummage Sale in 2008.                                                                 Yes/No

I would like the Rummage Sale to continue in 2009.                                                   Yes/No

Comments:  _________________________________________________________________________________


I am interested in volunteering at the Rummage Sale in 2009 if it proceeds.       Yes/No


Suggestions For Other Events:



General Comments:



